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Brass Bulletin N° 47
International Magazine for Brass Players
Out of print
- Jean-Pierre Mathez
- Editorial - A Midsummer Night's Dream'' (page 07-10)
- Jost Ammann
- Imperatoris tubicen The Fieldtrumpeter - Wood cut, 1568 (page 11)
- Albert Hiller
- The trumpet in the north German postal service of the 19th century (page 12-18)
- Thomas Aitken
- John FLETCHER - Tuba britannica (page 19-24)
- Jean-Pierre Mathez
- Science in the service of music - Interview with René Périnelli (page 26-29)
- Jeffrey Agrell
- Interview with Thomas MÜLLER [Natural Horn] (page 31-33)
- Michel Laplace
- Maurice Ravel and the new trombone (page 34-38)
- Michel Laplace
- The Trumpet and the Cornet in Jazz and Popular Musik VI - end (page 39-45)
- Kurt Balmoos
- Cartoon [Trumpet player on Opera stage] (page 50)
- Pierre Trichet
- On hunitng horns and other [excerpts from Traité...' 1640' (page 51-54)
- Jeffrey Agrell
- Tom VARNER - Jazz and the Horn - portrait (page 55-57)
- Jean-Pierre Mathez
- Paolo LONGINOTTI (1913-1963) - His career I (page 58-69)
- Ed. Ratti
- The Village Musician [Cooper-plate, ca 1850]] (page 96)
- Jean-Pierre Mathez
- Martin BERGANDE [*1960 D] Portrait + Minutenspiel, for 2 trumpets (page FC)